Parkveien 19, 0350 Oslo | Tel. 949 81 051


Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction at a dentist in Oslo

Teeth should actually last a lifetime with good follow-up. Occasionally, unfortunately, a tooth has to be extracted. Tooth extraction is performed when everything has been tried to save the tooth, and our aim is always to preserve your natural teeth for as long as possible.


Causes of tooth extraction

Teeth are meant to last a lifetime with proper care and follow-up. Unfortunately, in some cases it may be necessary to extract a tooth. Tooth extraction is considered when all other attempts to save the tooth have been tried. Sometimes a root canal can be the solution to preserve the tooth, but if this is not possible, tooth extraction becomes the last resort.

Causes of tooth extraction include severe infection that has damaged the tooth or surrounding bone, often caused by tooth decay, also known as cavities. Patients may also suffer from periodontitis, known as gum disease. In periodontitis, the teeth will gradually loosen over time due to weakening of the bone tissue around the tooth. Without tooth extraction in such cases, the affected tooth can damage neighboring teeth.

Panoramic X-ray

A panoramic X-ray , also known as panoramic radiography, is a two-dimensional image of your entire mouth. It captures the upper jaw, lower jaw, teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and surrounding structures. It gives a broad overview of your dental health and is useful for evaluating conditions such as impacted teeth, jaw bone abnormalities, cysts, tumors and general dental and bone health.

Wrong location

Inadequate dental care leads to misaligned teeth. Dental care considers certain teeth to be non-vital too
the patient's oral health and can recommend that they be removed. These teeth may be misaligned or
useless as they lack viable teeth to bite against.

Orthodontic treatment

When carrying out orthopedic treatment such as braces , there is often a need to pull one
tooth or more in order to fix the dental position and ensure that the bite is correct.


Before starting radiation treatment of the head and neck, it is necessary to remove any teeth that
may be damaged by treatment. This helps prevent complications, such as infections.

Having an immune system weakened by chemotherapy increases the likelihood of dental infections and
probability of having to be extracted.

Organ transplantation

Some recipients of transplanted organs develop tooth infection thanks to the drugs the doctors
prescribed to fight the immune system. As a result, some teeth must be removed before receiving an organ transplant.

Wisdom teeth

Most of the patients we have combine wisdom teeth with pain and the feeling of discomfort. We on
Clinica Smile has a selection of top equipment, and we have our skilled Oral Surgeon with extensive experience in the field
tooth extraction that makes the procedure painless and uncomplicated. What to expect when removing
tooth is that you experience swelling and soreness for a few days, but we offer antibiotics for this.

Root amputations

All teeth have a root canal that supplies the tooth's nerves and blood vessels. If bacteria enter
the root canal or the tooth is damaged in such a way that the blood supply to the tooth is compromised, must
the tooth is filled.

Sometimes a root canal is not enough to heal/free a tooth, and then it may be necessary
with surgery. The most common surgical treatment to be able to save a tooth is called a root canal
amputation. When the root tip is removed, cracks or extra canals may appear in the roots that do not
can look at X-ray images.

Dental Health Tips:

  • Brush your teeth properly: Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Clean between the teeth: Use dental floss or interdental brushes daily to remove plaque and food debris that the brush cannot reach.
  • Visit the dentist regularly: Go to the dentist at least twice a year for routine check-ups and professional teeth cleaning.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks that can lead to tooth decay. Eat more fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods to maintain strong teeth.
  • Avoid tobacco products: Smoking and sniffing can cause dental problems and gum disease. Try to stop or reduce the use of these products for better dental health.
  • Protect your teeth during activities: Use a mouth guard during sports activities or when you perform activities with a risk of tooth damage.
  • Care for dentures: If you have dentures, be sure to clean them regularly and store them safely to avoid damage and infection.

Follow these tips to maintain healthy oral health and a brilliant smile!

Tooth extraction

(✔) Careful tooth removal

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