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Removal of cyst

Removal of cyst in Oslo

Cyst removal is a dental treatment that is performed to remove a cyst in the jaw. A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can form around a tooth root or in the jawbone. This can cause pain, swelling and other problems if left untreated. At Clinica Smile, we have specialized in removing cysts and other dental problems with minimal discomfort for the patient.


What is a cyst?

A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can form anywhere in the body, including the jaw. In dentistry, cysts can form around a tooth root or in the jawbone. They can be painless and discovered incidentally on an X-ray, or they can cause symptoms such as pain, swelling and tooth displacement.

Prosthetics Consultation

The dentist can develop an effective treatment plan after the first consultation. It is important to us that your dental health and conditions are treated through a treatment plan whether it concerns dental crowns, dental prostheses or veneers, which can promote general oral and dental health without sacrificing comfort, convenience and safety.

How is cyst removal performed?

Removal of the cyst is usually carried out under local anaesthetic. The surgeon makes a small incision in the gum to access the cyst and remove it. After removal, it may be necessary to fill the hole with bone graft or other material to ensure that the jaw remains strong and healthy.

Post-treatment of cyst removal

After the removal of the cyst, you will be given a series of instructions to ensure that the wound heals quickly and without problems. This may include taking pain medication, using an ice pack and eating soft foods for a few days after surgery. You will also get an appointment for a follow-up with your dentist to make sure everything is healing as it should.

Dental Health Tips:

  • Brush your teeth properly: Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen tooth enamel.
  • Clean between the teeth: Use dental floss or interdental brushes daily to remove plaque and food debris that the brush cannot reach.
  • Visit the dentist regularly: Go to the dentist at least twice a year for routine check-ups and professional teeth cleaning.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks that can lead to tooth decay. Eat more fruits, vegetables and calcium-rich foods to maintain strong teeth.
  • Avoid tobacco products: Smoking and sniffing can cause dental problems and gum disease. Try to stop or reduce the use of these products for better dental health.
  • Protect your teeth during activities: Use a mouth guard during sports activities or when you perform activities with a risk of tooth damage.
  • Care for dentures: If you have dentures, be sure to clean them regularly and store them safely to avoid damage and infection.

Follow these tips to maintain healthy oral health and a brilliant smile!

Free Consultation

Remember that you can book an appointment today, you can now book an appointment directly with oral surgeon specialist Jaehyun Sim via the website or call us on: Tel: 22 23 33 33.